Our current focus is on the localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the North East region, specifically:
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Click here to view the Keynote address by Shri Lok Ranjan, IAS, Secretary, Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region.
Project involved awareness generation and publicity, and focused reach out programme among colleges/universities, leading NGOs, civil servant and other development programme implementers at the State and district level in selected target States of the country.
Project involved 250 schools in the country. Media Management Group for Literacy and Development acted a NGO partner for the North Eastern Region to identify and facilitate training of school teachers on drug awareness. Guwahati (Assam) was the first workshop to be organised in the series. Teachers from 20 leading schools were trained and a sensitization module introduced for school students.
The second phase of the EU India Media Initiative on HIV/AIDS organised six workshops in total. Two workshops were organised in Hyderabad in the month of May, 2006. These two workshops trained 12 national print journalists as well as 8 national radio journalists. This was followed by two more workshops in New Delhi training equal number of print and radio journalists. Trainers from Thomson Foundation, UK and University of Tampere, Finland attended. Two more workshops, to train national television journalists were organized in Shimla, in the months of August/September, 2006.In all 16 television journalists were trained in Shimla workshops.
Sponsored by the European Union, this two year media project is designed to train Indian national journalists covering television, radio and Print media. Apart from Media Management Group for Literacy and Development, the other partners for this project are Thomson Foundation (Lead Partner from UK); University of Tampere (Finland); INP + (India); and Commonwealth Broadcasting Association (UK).In the year 2005, six back to back workshops were organized in Pondicherry (TV); Gangtok (Radio) and Goa (Print), respectively, to train 40 national journalists.
Under the European Union’s EU - India Economic Cross Cultural Initiative, working journalists from India and countries of the European Union were trained in radio and television formats. The initiative covered topics of social conflicts in the form of radio and television documentaries. In all 32 working journalists from different parts of the world were trained and the programme of action was organized in many countries. Two workshops for TV journalists (15 days each) and two workshops for radio journalists (7 days each) were organized in the Indian Institute of Mass Communication premises. In all 32 working journalists were trained and exposed to working environment in India and Europe.
This field research project was commissioned by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. This was a major project for two years (2002 - 2004) covering one hundred top secondary schools in India. The study examined these schools against 14 parameters of public utility and passed on its recommendations to Government of India. The project has been able to initiate healthy debate over policy issues concerning secondary schools in the media and relevant circles throughout the country. The project involved data collection, data interpretation, analysis and recommendations in the form of a report.
Commissioned by the Department of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. 35 non governmental organizations of the State were trained in project development strategies and proposal writing skills.
Commissioned by the Department of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, 50 Non-Governmental organizations of the State were trained in project development strategies and proposal writing skills.
Field research project on education and lack of income generation in youth in the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Sikkim. This project is sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi. The project involves collection of primary data from field areas of the eight states of the north eastern region, data interpretation and analysis and recommendations in the form of a final report.
Commissioned by the Department of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, 35 Non Governmental organizations of the State were trained in project development strategies and proposal writing skills.
Commissioned by the Department of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, 30 Non Governmental organizations of the State were trained in project development strategies and proposal writing skills.
Commissioned by the Department of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, 25 Non Governmental organizations of the State were trained in project development strategies and proposal writing skills.
Commissioned by the Department of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, 170 Non Governmental Organizations of the State were trained in project development strategies and proposal writing skills.